Weigand Transporte – Primary data as the key to decarbonization

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Weigand Transporte

We initially wanted to capture the data, have it clean, and determine the current state. Only those who know the status quo can set clear goals. It was important to us that we measure CO2 emissions based on our actual consumption data and not on extrapolations or averages.

Stefan Weigand, Managing Director of Weigand Transporte GmbH & Co. KG 


Successful integration of over 90% of primary consumption data into shipzero
Established connectivity to the telematics system used by Weigand, integrating transport data and tracking fuelling operations to allow for emission calculations largely based on primary data.  

Foundation for addressing sustainability reporting and customer demands
Ability to create automated emission reports at shipment and customer level through linking consumption data with order data. 

Demonstrating effectiveness and identifying savings potential
Data-based insights on the effectiveness of decarbonization measures and the ability to initiate further sustainability projects with significant savings potential. 

About Weigand

Stefan Weigand wants to determine his transport emissions using primary data.
Stefan Weigand wants to determine his transport emissions using primary data.

Weigand Transporte GmbH & Co. KG is a specialist in tank logistics. Since its foundation in 1971, the Weigand family business has been transporting raw commodities such as feedstuffs, chemicals, bioenergy, and waste.

Across 18 destinations and with its own fleet of trucks for tank transportation, Weigand realizes temperature-controlled transports, transports with partial unloading or highly sensitive food precursors. Its more than 120 units include trucks, tank containers suitable for combined transport or as temporary storage for goods as well as tank trailers. Weigand also offers certified cleaning of tanks and trucks.  

The tank logistics specialist is dedicated to making an active contribution to conserving natural resources and minimising its impact on the environment. Operational measures adopted include intelligent control and weight reduction of trucks as well as regular “Eco Driving Trainings” for drivers.  


Defining the transport carbon footprint based on actual consumption data 
Weigand Transporte was in the process of reviewing its entire operations from a sustainability point of view, including its fleet operations but also areas such as business travels or food served at the company canteen. However, its actual carbon footprint and potential emissions savings were not yet measurable. Through the collaboration with shipzero, Stefan Weigand wanted to gain clear insights into the status quo of CO2 emissions based on actual consumption data of his fleet and thereby set a baseline for defining clear decarbonization targets and measures. 

“Protecting the climate and sustainability have always played an important role at our company and as a logistics service provider operating in the road business, our carbon footprint is naturally high. But how high exactly – that’s what I wanted to know.”

Stefan Weigand, Managing Director of Weigand Transporte GmbH & Co. KG 

Anticipating legal requirements and customer demands 
Weigand is not yet directly affected by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) or other sustainability reporting frameworks. But the scope of companies that need to start reporting expands annually and Weigand is already impacted indirectly:  

“We have a number of larger customers that need to start reporting and will sooner or later request information on the CO2 emissions of their shipments. When that time comes, we want to be prepared and able to provide the data without a big amount of manual effort.”

Stefan Weigand, Managing Director of Weigand Transporte GmbH & Co. KG

Data-based decision making for measurable decarbonization targets  
In order to formulate a comprehensive sustainability strategy, Weigand wanted to be able to use granular emissions data as a basis for defining measurable decarbonization targets. In the first instance, the establishment of the right data infrastructure and management system was needed, alongside raising awareness for the important role of data in driving decision-making. Ultimately, Weigand aimed to install a routine of using emissions reporting for identifying decarbonization levers, demonstrating effectiveness and capturing progress. 

Actions: the collaboration between Weigand and shipzero

Determining transport emissions using primary data
shipzero has established connectivity to the telematics system used by Weigand and enabled the integration of transport data into the data platform. Fuelling operations at the company’s own fuel station are also tracked. As a result, calculations are based on over 90 percent primary data which is the most precise method for calculating emissions.

Enhanced data quality through clarification reports and audits  
Data clarification reports highlight errors or inconsistencies in Weigand’s data base, ensuring that the calculations of transport emissions are based on the best possible data foundation. Through regular audits from shipzero, the data quality is enhanced and maintained. 

Making biofuel usage and other decarbonization levers visible  
shipzero accurately tracks the effects of using alternative fuels. Biofuels are already in use at Weigand, and its emission intensity per tour can be compared with other fuel types. Weigand now has the necessary database to demonstrate the effectiveness of alternative fuels as well as to identify and initiate further sustainability projects with significant savings potential. 

“It’s important for us to provide companies with the data foundation for long-term sensible investment decisions. Instead of relying on gut feeling, Weigand can now use data to evaluate various fuels and economically steer reduction measures.”

Tobias Bohnhoff, Co-founder and CEO, shipzero

Outlook and next steps 

Weigand Transporte calculates transport emissions with shipzero.Weigand
has done the groundwork for calculating its carbon footprint. In collaboration with shipzero, the tank specialist is looking to advance its efforts further by identifying and quantifying additional reduction measures. Currently, Weigand primarily tracks its transport emissions. In the future, measurements are to be extended to other areas such as warehouse operations, transshipment and tank cleaning. The goal is to comprehensively track the entire portfolio. More information about Weigand Transporte at: www.weigand-transport.de.

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Bentje Lefers - Commercial Director

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