Collaboration for climate transparency

How shipzero enables the exchange of emissions data between transport partners

Ensuring future-proof emissions management

shipzero is a data platform to track, manage and analyze global transport emissions and leverage decarbonization potentials. Reliable data exchange between partners is the key ingredient to increase transparency and improve CO2 reduction – shipzero supports data exchange as a neutral partner.


Having precise emission data available enables actionable insights to reduce transport emissions. We maximize the insight quality by including actual data about propulsion energy and consumption in a GDPR-compliant way. shipzero automates the data exchange between shipper and carrier, by connecting directly with the carriers’ IT partners. We guarantee to only share information that directly relates to the transport consignment of your customer – we only determine emissions for the shipment data commissioned by your customer without your customer being able to view or evaluate your transport data. By enabling access to your fleet management system – there is no need for manual calculation or complex IT integration.


With growing interest in improved data quality of emission calculations, being able to contribute is becoming a competitive advantage. Save time and resources to respond to the increasing number of requests on emission data from customers. Collaboration increases customer loyalty and enables decarbonization efforts that save money. Immediately advertise every measure that pays into climate-efficient performance, e.g., fleet investments or driver trainings.


1) Accept
You will receive an e-mail by your transport partner. Create a new user via the invitation link in the email.

2) Sign up
Set up your company account so that you can use your account for multiple customers.

3) Collaborate
Add your fleet telematics credentials to enable access and calculation through shipzero.

4) Manage
Take full control and administer reliable data exchange with partners independently. You always retain data sovereignty. 

Frequently asked questions

Data sharing

By sharing your emissions data, which is based on actual energy-consumption, you play a crucial role in advancing collective effort for emission transparency in transportation. By contributing, you can generate high-precision insights that enable partners, customers, and yourself to actively drive decarbonization in the transport sector. This facilitates better target setting for your partners and customers on the way to net-zero, it avoids greenwashing and advertises efficient internal processes as well as investments into modern fleets and driver trainings. Direct integration also eliminates the time-consuming manual completion of questionnaires or the issuing of emission reports.

To seamlessly contribute vehicle activity and consumption data to the shipzero platform you need a truck fleet equipped with a telematics system that tracks the FMS (fleet management system) data from the tractor unit. Usually, this information is available through the service of the truck manufacturer or a third-party service that is permanently connected through the CAN-Bus to the vehicle diagnostics data. Pure GPS tracking via a mobile device is not sufficient. If no telematics system is available, the integration of fuel card information is an alternative.

shipzero uses only data that is related to the transport asset, e.g., the vehicle. Information that is used to compute transport emissions include milage, energy- or fuel-consumption, timestamps, geotraces, fuel type, and vehicle type to determine the maximum payload. 

Basically, every telematics system that connects to the FMS data of tractor unit and provides an API to fetch the data directly. This includes RIO, Daimler Fleetboard, Scania, DAF Connect, Samsara, YellowFox, Volvo Connect, TomTom, Trimble among many others. Unknown telematics systems undergo a precise internal review in which available data bases are cross-checked with the platform and calculation requirements.

Services that only track the GPS trace of the vehicle via a mobile app cannot be used to determine the fuel consumption. In this case, please reach out to to discuss a potential integration of fuel card information.


shipzero only shares calculated greenhouse gas emissions and only for a dedicated transport or shipment. The transmitted information includes the well-to-wheel CO2-equivalent, where all emitted greenhouse gases are standardized to the unit of carbon dioxide. No client will have access to the underlying raw data, this is contractually guaranteed by our Data Processing Agreement. This approach not only considers direct fuel combustion, but also the specific energy inputs, such as biofuel share, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact.  

Primary input data from the telematics system can be accessed directly through APIs from the service provider. There is no need to manually prepare any reports or make changes to the internal IT. The only thing required is to share the access credentials to the fleet telematics services. This can be done in the sign-up process to the shipzero platform.

If you do not have your credentials at hand, please ask your telematics service provider. You can always add or renew telematics connections in the shipzero platform.

Yes, shipzero tracks only vehicles, and does not fetch any personal information of drivers, nor does the platform rate or rank driving style behavior. To have a reliable legal basis for the cooperation, it is necessary to agree to the Data Processing Agreement at the beginning, which clearly defines all legal terms and conditions. For more information read our Data Processing Agreement here.

Platform usage

If you are only providing data to the shipzero platform as a carrier, shipzero is completely free of charge.

Once you work with subcontractors and are interested in a more detailed evaluation and monitoring of your fleet emissions, you are also able to sign up for one of the paid monthly plans, depending on your shipment volume.

As a carrier or data provider to the shipzero platform you always have data sovereignty. At the click of a button, you can immediately opt-out of the data sharing consent to selected partners.

Note, that all data sharing agreements can be managed individually on a client-level. shipzero provides a partner management access that allows you to activate and deactivate existing connections with your partners. Sharing consent can be revoked daily, but once shared data cannot be recalled.

Most likely the emissions data comes either directly from your telematics system, i.e. it refers only to the direct tank-to-wheel emissions (fossil fuels converted to emissions), or from a dispatchment planning tool, which relies on standard conversion factors rather than primary consumption data. Both approaches only reflect part of reality or use conservative average values in the calculation, which can lead to higher emission values.

shipzero provides the full scope of well-to-wheel emissions in accordance with the industry-leading GLEC Framework and ISO 14083, the globally recognized standards acknowledged and implemented by leading logistics providers. We also handle the entire process of allocating emissions for each individual shipment to the correct customer (shipment-based emissions data). Especially in less-than-truckload freights, this is a significant added value.

Business characteristics

That is not a problem as long as every vehicle is equipped with a FMS-supported telematics system. You can connect multiple systems to the shipzero platform and add and remove services, once you decide to move to another telematics service provider.

It depends if there is access to primary energy or fuel consumption. Normally smaller vehicles like sprinters do not support FMS data transfer.

Trailer telematics, on the other hand, can provide additional valuable information about energy-use for temperature-controlled transports, although they do not offer any insight into the propulsion energy of the vehicle.

You can also invite subcontractors to the shipzero platform to share their data as well. Once one of your subcontractors has successfully connected a fleet telematics system and established a connection with your company, we can match your subcontractor’s CO2 emissions with your customers’ transports.

There is no direct link between your customer and your subcontractor. Both parties will remain unknown on the platform to each other. Data sharing is always consolidated on a tier-1 level.

Still have questions? Our team is happy to help you.