Blog – knowledge and best practices
for your way to zero-emission logistics
5 reasons to stop including transport emissions on freight invoices
Including carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) values on freight invoices is an emerging practice for logistics service providers. This has a two-fold purpose: Providing customers with insights on produced transport emissions and advancing efforts to merge financial and carbon accounting.
Science-based targets: Setting measurable sustainability goals in transport and logistics
In line with the Paris Agreement, the EU has set ambitious targets for effectively mitigating the damages of climate change. By 2030 all net emissions are to be reduced by 55%. For the transport and logistics sector a number
Why primary data is crucial for measuring CO2 emissions in transport and logistics
Transport emissions are a major contributor to global greenhouse gas output, around 21%[1] globally, 25% in Europe[2] and 28% in North America[3]. Freight transportation accounts for roughly 30% of this emissions share. Accurate emissions calculation is crucial for effective
Unveiling CSRD – its ripple effect on transport and logistics
The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is coming and will, directly or indirectly, affect the majority of transport and logistics companies. We have taken a closer look at what the CSRD is, which companies it concerns, what exactly
CO2-basierte Lkw-Maut: Zwischen Klimaschutz und Unternehmensrealität
Die Erweiterung der Lkw-Maut um einen CO2-Aufschlag in Höhe von 200 Euro pro Tonne CO2 stellt viele Unternehmen vor erhebliche wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen. Es ist von einer Erhöhung der Mautkosten um 40-83% auszugehen [1]. Der Straßengütertransport trägt in Deutschland mit
Fueling the future: the promise of biofuels for carbon reduction
Effective action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from road transport, given the Green Deal objective of decarbonization. While other technologies such as battery electric trucks (BET) or fuel cell electric trucks (FCET) still need major development
ISO 14083 standard: 5 key insights for precise emissions calculation in transport and logistics
In March 2023, the ISO 14083 standard came into effect, providing a globally aligned approach to quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions in multimodal and global transportation chains. This article looks closely at what the new ISO 14083 standard
Sustainability made easy? Advantages and obstacles of Book and Claim in transportation
The Book and Claim model (B&C) has become the ‘talk of the town’ in the offsetting and insetting debates. In this post, we shed light on this concept while exploring its recent developments, advantages, and obstacles for practical application.
Beyond gasoline: Harnessing biofuels for the green transportation industry
With the heated debate on the combustion engine phase-out for new cars and trucks within the EU, the question of the efficiency of alternative fuels and their role in achieving climate targets once again became a subject of discussion.
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Begin your carbon reduction journey with shipzero
Use your data to effectively measure and reduce transport emissions
Bentje Lefers
Commercial Director