Blog – knowledge and best practices
for your way to zero-emission logistics

Book & Claim: How to benefit from a combined registry and accounting system
For many transport and logistics companies, Book & Claim is the most cost-efficient entry point towards decarbonization. Learn in this article why carriers, LSPs, and shippers should embrace a combined registry and accounting system to unlock new business opportunities.

When and how carrier and LSP should act with Book & Claim
In this short article you’ll find five questions to determine if your transport and logistics company should consider Book & Claim to unlock new business opportunities. Gain insights about requirements for implementation of this approach to reach decarbonization goals.

Nachhaltigkeits-Regulierungen in der Logistik: Was Unternehmen 2025 wissen müssen
Immer striktere Nachhaltigkeits-Regulierungen verlangen von Unternehmen der Transport- und Logistikbranche zunehmend ambitionierte Dekarbonisierungsziele und präzise Nachweise über die Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen. Wir beleuchten für Sie fünf wichtige Richtlinien für den EU-Raum, die Entscheider 2025 unbedingt im Blick haben sollten.

Book & Claim: What carrier, LSP, and shipper need to know
With Book & Claim, a quantity of sustainable fuel can be ‘booked’ in one location and ‘claimed’ at another location that is physically not linked to the original one. Gain insights how logistics companies can unlock new business opportunities.

Should all-in-one control towers really be used for carbon accounting?
Even though all-in-one control towers can provide valuable insights, you will learn in this article why they shouldn’t serve as the primary tool for emissions calculations regarding data accuracy, scope definition, complexity of analysis, regulatory compliance and wider integration.

How external carbon pricing increasingly affects freight transportation
Read this blog article to gain insights into the various carbon pricing schemes applied to different modes of transport, and why transport and logistics companies like carriers, forwarders and shippers should explore the opportunities available to reduce CO2 emissions.

The challenges of carbon pricing for successful CO2 mitigation strategies
Carbon pricing is gaining awareness in transport and logistics amongst other industries because of increasing regulatory requirements. In this article you’ll learn about the three main concepts, effects on mitigation measures and differentiated price dynamics on a global scale.

How transport and logistics companies report quantitative data to match CSRD requirements
The Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD) makes companies in the EU subject to successive reporting obligations in various dimensions. Read this article to learn which quantitative data transport and logistics companies are expected to report and how to start.

5 reasons to stop including transport emissions on freight invoices
Including carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) values on freight invoices is an emerging practice for logistics service providers. This has a two-fold purpose: Providing customers with insights on produced transport emissions and advancing efforts to merge financial and carbon accounting.

Science-based targets: Setting measurable sustainability goals in transport and logistics
We’ve taken a closer look at tools and guidelines from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to outline how the approach works, why it is relevant for transport and logistics companies and how you can set up sustainability targets.

Why primary data is crucial for measuring CO2 emissions in transport and logistics
Primary data’s role in emissions accounting is fundamental. They provide the most accurate measurements of transport emissions as they’re based on actual fuel consumption. Find out more about methods of calculating emissions and best practices of primary data utilization.

Unveiling CSRD – its ripple effect on transport and logistics
We’ve taken a closer look at what the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is, which companies it concerns, what exactly needs to be reported, and how shippers, carriers and forwarders can brace for the challenges and opportunities it implies.

CO2-basierte Lkw-Maut: Zwischen Klimaschutz und Unternehmensrealität
Wie sind die Lkw-Mautsätze künftig ausgestaltet? Was plant die Bundesregierung mit den Mehreinnahmen? Welche europäische Rechtsgrundlage steckt dahinter? Welchen Einfluss hat die CO2-basierte Lkw-Maut auf die Klimaziele des Verkehrssektors? Im folgenden Blogartikel finden Sie die Antworten auf diese Fragen.

Fueling the future: the promise of biofuels for carbon reduction
Effective action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road transport. Biofuels have emerged as the promising alternative to fossil fuels. Read this article to learn more about the calculations and factors that determine biofuels’ carbon reduction potential.

ISO 14083 standard: 5 key insights for precise emissions calculation in transport and logistics
The ISO 14083 standard provides a global approach to quantify and report greenhouse gas emissions in multimodal and worldwide transportation chains. Learn with this article for which companies it’s relevant and how it differs from existing frameworks and guidelines.

Beyond gasoline: Harnessing biofuels for the green transportation industry
With the heated debate on the combustion engine phase-out for new cars and trucks within the EU, the question of the efficiency of alternative fuels and their role in achieving climate targets once again became a subject of discussion.
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Use your data to effectively measure and reduce transport emissions

Bentje Lefers
Commercial Director